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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Valentine's Day Tips for Preserving Your Gifts

By Barb Webb

With Valentine's Day around the corner, it's time to brush up on ways to keep your treasures in top shape. Whether you are the gift giver or the gift reciever, use the following tips to extend the life of your heartfelt presents.

Liven Up Your Flowers. Your beautiful bouquet may come with a little packet to add to your water for longer lasting freshness, but if not, a shot of vodka added to the water in a vase will keep give your flowers staying power.

Freeze Your Candles. Whether rose, lavendar, or honeysuckle is a scent you prefer, if you freeze candles before you use them, they will burn for a longer period.

Hook Your Buttons. If you have a pesky button come loose on your delicates or valentines day outfits, re-stich it using fish line for thread. This will keep it place for a very long time.

Give Your Glass Sparkle. To clean special champagne glasses or glass containers such as vases, use a solution of salt, lemon juice, and crushed ice. Swirl them around inside to achieve a sparkling clean. If the glass is very fragile, just eliminate the ice from the process.

Shine Your Silver. If Silver trinkets are your preferred Valentines Day delight, keep your silver jewelry in an air tight container, such as a Tupperware or Rubbermaid container when you are not wearing it. This will prevent the silver from discoloring or tarnishing.

Wash Your Gold. Keep your gold jewelry in tip-top shape by filling a small bowl with warm water and a dash of mild liquid detergent, such as Woolite. Soak the items for a minute, then using an eyebrow brush or a toothbrush, gently brush any particles or dirt off the jewelry, while shining it up. Strain the jewelry, rinse off with warm water, then pat excess water off allow the gold jewelry to air dry.

Note: This process works well for diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds too. Take care not to rub the stones against eachother, though, when cleaning.

Primp Your Pearls. These gorgeous treasurer from the sea are fragile and a bit finicky when it comes to care. The best way to clean your pearls is with a soft, non-abrasive cloth which may be slightly dampened with water for hard to remove spots. Pearls will last longest if cleaned and then stored in a soft jewelry bag, or a square of linen cloth after each wearing.

Dust Your Displays. If you receive a portrait or framed print, preserve the life and color by developing regular dusting habits, keeping the picture out of direct sunlight, and away from unusually hot or humid areas of the home. These simple practices will keep your picture alive for a lifetime.

Cover Your Chocolates. It's easy to indulge on the delight of chocolate gifts, but if you wish to savor the experience or stretch out the calorie impact by eating the goodies over a period of time, then you'll need a preservation plan. Fine chocolates may be refridgerated for two months, or frozen for up to six, but both of these option may lead to discoloration and sometimes alters the taste. It's best to keep your chocolates goodies cool, dry, and away from bight lights and odors. Upper kitchen cabinets may be a good choice, as well as pantries. Storing the chocolate in an airtight container may also be a good choice, provided it is kept away from heat and light sources.


Blogger Sean Carter said...

Hey Valentines Day is just round the corner...and people everywhere are looking for gifts and ideas to make their day a special one...and you've got some really good ideas was quite interesting going through you post...well also drop by my blog on Valentines Day and check out all the fun ideas i've posted there!!!

8:52 PM  

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